How's it going?
How are you?
What's up?
I'm fine,
I'm good.
I'm great.
What activities are you interested in doing?
Raining very hard
I am (extremely) grateful.
I (really) appreciate this.
That's very kind of you.
You're my saviour.
You're my angel.
I don't know what to say.
I owe you once.
Advanced Verbs
Ad'monishing for doing something (minor wrong)
- The parents admonished their children for telling lies
'Advocate (strong support for something)
- The teachers advocated for better pay
Be'moan (to express distress, grief or regret with complaining)
- She bemoaned having to look for another flight.
Com'pel (to drive someone to a course of action)
- The police compelled him to tell the truth.
Em'bezzle (to take money fraudulently)
- The accountant embezzled millions of dollars from the company.
Ex'tol (to praise highly; laud; eulogize)
- She extolled the beauty of modern art.
Im'pugn (to challenge as false; cast doubt upon)
- to impugn (someone's) characters (not to be believed)
- They tried to impugn her character with false accusations.
'Obfuscate (to confuse; bewilder; make unclear)
- obfuscate a situation, an issue; a policy
- Politicians keep obfuscating the issues.
- Cryptocurrency shuffling (CS) is the process by which digital coins are mixed and randomized with other tokens to obfuscate the original source of funds